Reno, NV, circa 1997


Eric Rauchway


March 11, 2025

From 1996–1998 I was a visiting assistant professor in history at the University of Nevada, Reno. It was a very good non-tenure track job and they treated me exceptionally well. I made good friends there and learned a lot.

These photos, probably from about 1997 or so, turned up when I was cleaning out some stuff in my office. I took them with my Pentax K-1000 camera; I don’t know what kind of film. Then I scanned them with an app, so they’re not terribly high quality. But they do give some flavor of how the city felt to me then—much smaller than it is today (though of course, the Biggest Little City).

Along interstate 80, looking at the Sierra Nevada. Glad I took this one before they replaced the shield. I eventually had this one blown up and framed for my office.

The quad at UNR. It’s s lovely campus.

The city as seen from, probably, somewhere along McCarran, the ring road.

The famous Santa Fe Hotel and Basque restaurant.

Something about this view struck me as particularly emblematic.

Another missing shield, and another evocative image, especially for contingent faculty.